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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Words I never thought I'd hear

the boys went to there dads house last night and so its just me Laney and 5 cats here. The boys are going to there dads for there summer vists and will be back when school starts. I miss them when there not around and I complain when they are lol. I guess what made it really bad is that I went out to see Tristan today and sat there and thought about the last 7years of my life and how I had changed and what I have become and compared it to where I wanted to be in life, its no where close. But I understand that they come in due time. I sat there and thought how diffent my life would be if Tristanwas here or my mom then as I sat there next to my dad the man that raised me since my dad died when I was 4 , as we sat there not saying a word I relized in less then a year I would setting there......alone talking to him as well as mom,dad, and Tristan. and as we went to get in the van after we sat there for a while I looked at him and said I know time is short but I want you to know something from the bottom of my heart that I love you and that I am very thankful that you took on a roll that you didn't have to but desided to. And my dad said something that I have never ever heard come out of his mouth and as long as I live I will remeber these words " No I didn't have to help your mom and no I didn't have to be with your mom but if I wasn't with her I would never have a daughter and I would never have grandkids and no your not my real kid and grandkids but I want you and the kids to know that I do love you guys even though I don't say it" with everything I am going thourgh right now and all the dark clouds in my life they seemed to disapper if even for a sec when he said that to me. Sometimes our lifes can seem like they are at the lowest and it takes a few words from someone that you never thought that you would hear it from for you to relize as long as you are still here and you are loved and you love you have more going for you then you think.


At 8:09 PM, Blogger Netter said...

That was very sweet...and just think, if you never said those words, you may never have heard that.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Blue Sky said...

Very,Very touching post. I to have a step father and I justtold him for the first time in 20 years (Fathers day)Dad thanks for accepting our family coming in and taking on all of us kids. I also added the thanks for giving my mom the love that she so much diserved. He lives in colorado and im in Alaska, so it was a phone convo, He was quiet for a few seconds the he started cring, well as you might know this was far from my attentions, But I think after so many years there was a true Father son moment that neither one of us will ever forget. hope all works out well for you Dee.

And hello netter havent seen you on my blog lately hope all is well.


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